🔔 Always Free! Creating apps on Niotron is 100% Free till you are not using any monetization component.

Our Pricing Plans

Creating apps on Niotron is 100% Free under always free plan. Where you'll get 10MB App & Dynamic assets size. User only have to pay a small amount if you want extra App & Assets size or earn revenue from the ads by using our ads components. Also note that, Niotron is committed to 0% commission, to all Free as well as Subscribed/Pro users.

Basic Upgrades

Billed Monthly

Frequently Asked Questions?

Here is a list of commonly asked questions and answers about pricing.

Q1 Do I have to buy a subscription for each App/Project?

No. Monthly subscriptions ( of app size, monetization, and assets ) enables your account to create new and update all your project projects. You don't have to pay for each individual.

Q2 Will ads stop after the subscription ends?

No. ads will be visible even after the subscription ends. But you can't use the monetization component to create new or update old apps.

Q3 Can I use ad extensions?

Yes, ad extensions are allowed, but you need a monetization subscription to compile your app.

Q4 Is a store account compulsory?

Yes, to use any subscription, you have to purchase it from the store, and for that, you need an account with the same email you have on the builder.

Q5 I can only upload 1MB of assets per project?

You can upload more than 1MB of assets in any project. But the limitation is, any assets should not be more than 1MB in size

Adding more questions soon. Till then if you get any query feel free to contact us.

Do you have any project/app idea?

With Niotron You Can Turn Your Ideas into Apps In Minutes.

[email protected]


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Purba Medinipur Nandakumar
West Bengal, 721652